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  Macedonia   Prilep   Photo Gallery   History
Prilep (native: Прилеп) is located in the northern Pelagonia plain, in southern Macedonia. It is the fourth largest city in the Republic of Macedonia and has a population of 66.246 citizens. The overwhelming majority of the city population is Macedonian.
Prilep is a center for high-quality tobacco and cigarettes. The city also produces a large quantity of pure white marble.
There are several ancient sites in Prilep including one at Markovi Kuli, St. Nicola’s church from XIII century, St. Uspenie church in Bogorodica, St. Preobrazenie church and the Tomb of the Unconquered, a memorial in honor of the victims of fascism located in Prilep's central park. Prilep is known as "the city under Marko's Towers" because of its proximity to the towers of King Marko.
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