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History of the city of Prilep
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In the history resources, Prilep has been mentioned in 1014 for the first time. The territory of the city and its countryside were one of the most important strategical, political and military places in this part of the Balkans. Many important crossroads, which led from Greece to Adriatic see, were crossing Pelagonija.
The important antic roads "Via Ignazia" and "Via Militaris" had its most natural connection with the whole Balkans, crossing Prilep. The shortest road that connects Venetia and Dubrovnik businessperson with the ones in Thessalonica was crossing Prilep, too. Through the centuries there were many cultures on this space, like Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, Slavic culture and others too.
The most representative monumental complexes from the antic period are: Bedem in Cepigovo, Bezisten between Prilepec and Volkovo, and some places in the city.
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Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep
It is confirmed that there are found and reminders of the antic cities like: Stibera, Alcomena, Keramia, Colobansa etc.
Having in mind the percent of the cultural and historical monuments and the middle age century is important too. From this century there are: St. Nicola's church from XIII century, St. Uspenie church in Bogorodica like part of Treskavec monastery with effigy XV, XVI and XIX century, then monastery with St. Preobrazenie church Which is found in the Zrze village.
The most important cultural and historical place is the city for itself. It was the center of the larger political and territorial organization, and important political and military place where Macedonian king Samuel used to stay. That place takes the space between the hill Marco's Fortress and the round spaces with the Under Fortress place, Varos and Zagrad. On the hill of Marco's Fortress is found one of the five largest palaces in the Balkans that contains three defense levels and many buildings and gates.
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Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep
The greatest development Prilep enjoyed in the last quarter of the XIII and the first half of the XIV century. Results of that development are the important monuments from that period like: The only researching place rest of the Slavic living place (X century), St. Arhangel Michael church with FRESKI from XI century. In the XV century In the city was formed Business center with the famous Old Bazaar.
In the period of Macedonian culture and national rebirth, Prilep is very important center of the Slavic literacy, literature and culture. From this period very special meaning have educational activities, which in Prilep were presented by the Macedonian teachers Jordan Konstantinov (Dzinot), Dimitar Miladinov, Rajko Zhinzifov and Kuzman Shapkarev, and the influence that famous collector of Macedonian folk songs, stories, legends, riddles, Marko Cepenkov had.
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Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep
In the Ilinden period, the city was center of the Macedonian national movement for freedom. 50 revolutionaries like: Pere Toshev, Gjorche Petrov, Petar Acev and many more, were fighters for freedom and what is very important they came from Prilep.
On 11th of October 1941 in Prilep with the attack over Police station started the armed revolution of the Macedonian people for its national freedom and independence, against fascism. THE GRAVE OF THE WINNERS like one of the most important historical reminders in which are beard over 650 freedom fighters, is very important witness for the massive and sacrificing participation of the people from this city in the Second World War.
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Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep
The most important growth, Prilep had in the time of the free after war development, when it became respected and big political and administrative, cultural and educational scientist and commercial center in Macedonia.
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Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep Prilep    
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