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History of the city of Berovo
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Berovo is an ancient settlement where traces of an old civilization dating from the Neolithic period can be found. The archaelogical records demonstrate that there was a community in this area in prehistoris times, when on the shores of the lake were built the first Neolithic settlements dated from the year 3000 BC. The first Neolithic settlement, which is assumed to have been a fishing area, was built on the place where the river Crn Drim flows out of the Lake Ohrid. It is a pile dweller, an ancient fisherman communie spread of Christianity by the end of the 3th century AD the ancient temples were destroyed and on the same place many Christian basilicas were built. Their remains have been and are still being discovered in the surroundings of Berovo. The antiochian bishop St. Erazmo (stavi link do ohrid.com.mk ako postoi) is considered to be the first Christian missionary in this area.
(Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image)
Berovo Berovo Berovo Berovo Berovo Berovo Berovo
The name Berovo was mentioned for the first time in a document dated from the XI century. In another document dated from the XVI century (Kalimanova Gramota) there is a royal issue: "The incomes of the fishing area in the town of Berovo should be given to the monastery Zoograf". The legends say that St. Kliment Ohridski (stavi link) founded a school in Berovo. The grounds and the rhe map "Turkey in Europe" where one can find Berovo. The chronicler Nikola Pop Stefanov in his "Chronicles" says: "June 6, 1808. We built Geladin Bey's Saray on the river. And it was a terrible forced labour..." The saray was built in the middle of the river Drim and was a quite atractive object visited by many authors who wrote about their travels and were passing through Berovo.
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