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  Macedonia   Makedonski Brod   Photo Gallery   History
History of the city of Mak. Brod
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In the location of the present-day town, there was a bridge that connected the towns of Prilep and Kichevo, which gave the name of the town. According to a tomb inscription found in the village of Krapa, it was determined that the area was populated by the Romans. Later, with the arrival of Slavs to the Balkan peninsula, the Slavic tribe Berziti (Brsjaci) settled here.
(Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image)
Makedonski Brod Makedonski Brod          
In the vicinity of Makedonski Brod, near the village of Devich, are visible remnants of buildings that confirm that in this region, in the Middle Ages, there was a town/settlement which functioned as a centre for the entire area.
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